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Automation That Saves Cost In 10 – Simple Steps

1) More accurate data entry RPA

data entry is more accurate than manual data entry. Software robots are not prone to human error and they do not get tired or lose focus. There are no typos and no input going into the wrong field.

2) No Downtime

Software robots can run all the time – 2 hours a day, every day of the year – at a speed of 100 steps. RPA doesn’t take breaks, doesn’t sleep, takes sick leave, and never has an “emotionally unproductive” day.

Automation is all about increasing productivity and reducing waste.

3) Increase productivity

The fact that RPA can enter data around the clock without stopping to correct errors means it can do more than a human doing the same job. Usually, a data entry robot can replace the work of 8 regular employees.

4) Rapid Deployment

Set up and run a data entry robot quickly. Implementing a new RPA software system is certainly much faster than training a new person. You can have data entry software robots up and running in just a few days. Conversely, if you want to hire a new employee, you’ll spend time sorting through resumes, interviewing, going through the hiring process, and then training them when you’ve finally found someone.

5) Easy to scale

If you have too much to deal with automating your robotic processes, there is a simple solution. Just add additional bots. It is much easier than hiring and training new employees for data entry tasks. RPA makes for a very scalable system with your growing business.

6) No training time

If your process changes and bots need to learn something new, you can replace them with new bots or modify their learned tasks. It happens much faster than training employees for new tasks. And it will also save you money that current employees have to take off from other duties to train new employees.

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7) RPA bots never quit

With RPA you don’t have to worry about employees leaving or replacing employees. Robots don’t care how hard they work, how satisfied they are with their jobs, or how many repetitive tasks they face. They never retired or decided that it was time to move to another job. In short, the bot means you will never have to worry about hiring and training new employees to import data.

8) Jobs repatriate

People who are often interested in automating robot processes moving from the real population work. But many companies need to enter manual data without recruiting local employees to these tasks. They outsource their data entry abroad. Since the bots will be managed/hosted here in the US, using RPA really helps repatriate the jobs.

9) Advanced security

When human employees enter data, there is always some risk involved. No one likes to think that their employees will betray them, but the reality is that most fraud happens internally. And even if you can trust your employees, asking them to enter sensitive data can still be a privacy issue. Bots don’t understand the importance or significance of the data they’re working with, which protects the privacy of your vendors and customers. In addition, bots don’t have to save/remember passwords like humans, reducing the risk of password breaches.

10) Minimum computer resources

Software robot maintenance requires minimal computer resources. In some cases, IT doesn’t need to be involved at all. Your RPA system can be managed by the software vendor. They are responsible for maintenance, updates, etc. This saves the IT department (which may already have more work than it can handle) and saves your business money.

We at TweBey have been helping everyone from Founders to Enterprise in making best use of Automation which helps them reduce waste and build productivity in their business.

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